How to Get Your Kid to Exercise in Glasgow

kid running in the field

However, some children struggle with getting started. Parents can motivate their kids by setting an example and being supportive during physical activity sessions.

Kids are happiest and most motivated for physical activity when they have fun and this article goes into that a little bit. Fun fitness starts by making it a family affair and using competition as an incentive. Set small, achievable goals like increasing the number of jumping jacks or push-ups done or walking to school instead of riding in your car.

Signing Your Child Up for a Sports Team

Kids involved in organised sports not only get 60 minutes of physical activity each day, but they can also learn valuable lessons about teamwork and the benefits of hard work. Before enrolling your child in any new activity, however, make sure it suits their interests, age, and maturity level.

Early discussions about your child’s interests “can help assess their drive and gauge whether they’ll stick with something long enough to reap its rewards,” Douglas suggests. Understanding their commitment level makes supporting their efforts much simpler for parents; taking bike rides or joining video-led yoga or workout classes are great ways to keep children active and have fun while remaining physically fit. If your kids are not having fun over a long period of time, they should try something else.

Make exercise a family activity.

Encouraging children to exercise may seem challenging when their parents don’t set an example by exercising themselves. Set an excellent example by walking to work, taking the stairs, and engaging in other physical pursuits yourself.

Kid Fitness Tip: 

Make exercise enjoyable by making it part of a family activity, like game night or hiking. Both options will get everyone moving!

When people are not enjoying an activity, the motivation to continue the exercise slowly dwindles.

One great idea for creating exercise cards using standard playing cards is to create a deck of cards with each card representing an activity (for instance, hearts = pushups, clubs = crunches and diamonds = jumping jacks). Playing them then becomes similar to solitaire but more social and active!

Involve your child in everyday chores.

Chores can be an integral component of childhood, helping children become more self-reliant while teaching them responsibility. Beginning early can even make chores enjoyable and stimulating!

Assign tasks such as weeding the garden or playing catch in the backyard for them to contribute. Or challenge them by timing how fast they can empty out the garbage can or fill up their water bottle.

Small cautions against using chores as punishment, since this could backfire and they may refuse to complete them in the future.

Set a regular routine.

Helping children follow a schedule of DISCIPLINE requires consistency. When kids see that attending nursery in Govan or school, brushing teeth, and wearing seat belts are not up for discussion, they may be less likely to challenge any exercise restrictions you set in place.

Exercise shouldn’t feel like a burden; rather, it should be something fun! Children might enjoy stretching, jumping, and running games with their parents; tweens and teens might prefer dancing or joining in on video-led yoga or workout sessions with trainers.

Remind children what is expected each day with visual routines and rules charts posted throughout the house, such as in places they can easily see them. Doing this will keep these expectations top of mind.

Let your child pick their exercises.

Children need physical activity for numerous reasons, including strong bones, increased muscle strength, better energy levels, and academic focus. But forcing your kids into exercise will likely backfire; rather, make physical activity part of your lifestyle and show your kids just how beneficial physical activity can be!

Active games should be practiced together; hike to a lake for swimming or tubing; play sports together; and/or go on family bike rides together. You should try to limit sedentary activities like TV viewing, personal screen gaming, and playing with toys to prevent burnout.

Encourage your child to incorporate exercise into their everyday lives.

Children require at least an hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day, yet many families are struggling to balance schoolwork, work schedules, and the pandemic while trying to get their kids moving.

Families that incorporate physical activity into daily family life in ways that are enjoyable for kids will see greater engagement from children participating. Walking the dog, swimming at the neighbourhood pool, interval running, hiking, or playing tag can all be enjoyable activities to keep children active.

Give your child rewards.

Children require at least an hour of physical activity each day, but getting them moving may be challenging. An added incentive may help.

Find activities they enjoy for the best results when encouraging children to exercise. It is also key that they don’t become bored of any particular activity; by switching things up, they may learn new challenges while developing different skills.

Reward their efforts. There are various ways you can do this, but be wary of offering rewards that might lead to unhealthy habits.