How to Keep Fit Outdoors

man stretching outdoors

Fearing heat and humidity, many are reluctant to exercise outdoors; however, with proper planning and precautions taken when exercising in outdoor environments can actually make exercising outside safe and enjoyable.

Before heading outside to exercise, check the local weather forecast to get an idea of what you can expect in terms of temperature, humidity and wind speed. This can help determine whether it’s too hot, humid or windy to allow an outdoor workout session to proceed as planned.


Walking can be an excellent way to stay physically fit, with no special equipment necessary and it being possible almost anywhere.

Walking outside can also help improve one’s mood and reduce loneliness, as well as boost self-esteem and confidence.

Outdoor walking burns more calories because your body must traverse tougher terrain. Try walking up and down hills or strolling in a park to vary your workout and increase calorie burn. Be sure to warm up for several minutes prior to walking to avoid injury, stretch afterward and wear comfortable clothing that wicks away moisture quickly and keeps overheating to a minimum.


Hiking is one of the best ways to enjoy nature while getting an excellent workout at the same time. Hiking requires moving forward and backward, up and downhill – working all major muscle groups as well as strengthening stabilizing muscles to prevent injuries.

As long as you wear proper footwear, hiking can be enjoyed year-round. Just be sure to stay hydrated as sweating can lead to dehydration.

Hiking is an effective way to lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, improve circulation and increase bone density – as well as decrease negative thinking and stress levels. Studies show that those who hike on a regular basis tend to be less vulnerable to depression and anxiety.


Cycling is an excellent form of exercise suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, from young children to senior citizens. Its low-impact nature ensures it burns plenty of calories while simultaneously working various muscles groups.

Cycling engages slow-twitch muscle fibres for an endurance exercise and builds lower body strength and tone while simultaneously strengthening core muscles for greater core balance and reduced falls and injuries among older adults.

Exercise outside can also increase your exposure to vitamin D, which has been shown to boost mood and energy. Plus, exercising on ever-evolving terrain challenges your body in ways indoor workouts cannot.


Swimming offers a comprehensive workout for the body that can strengthen and tone all muscles. Swimming also helps the body release endorphins that boost mood and mental wellbeing, further elevating its benefits.

Swimming’s low-impact nature makes it an excellent form of exercise for people living with arthritis and other chronic pain conditions, and can even make outdoor exercise less appealing during winter. Swimming also warms your body, making this activity easier in cold weather conditions.

Start slowly and increase the intensity of your swimming workouts gradually. To remain safe, only swim in areas designated specifically for exercising such as pools and lakes equipped with lifeguards; always consult your physician prior to initiating any new physical activities.

Rock Climbing

Rock climbing and bouldering are an exhilarating form of exercise, both indoors and outdoors, that are both thrilling and demanding. Rock climbing gets your heart racing and muscles working like no other sport can; not to mention its high level of co-ordination requirements and speed that quickly puts out breath!

Although roped climbing can be reasonably safe, outdoor climbing carries with it an element of risk that must be accepted and managed effectively for it to become rewarding activity with great physical challenges. Once this has been accomplished, climbing can become highly satisfying experience that provides physical challenges as well as great personal satisfaction.

Climbing is a fantastic social sport that helps develop strength, agility and mental toughness.